Call 604-727-7902
Vancouver, BC, Canada

BC Assessment Property & Tax Appeals for the
Corporate, Industrial & Investment Sectors

Did you pay too much property tax last year in BC?
Are you paying too much now?

Property taxes constitute a significant portion of your annual expenditures, and there's a possibility that you're currently paying more than necessary. In British Columbia, property taxes are determined not solely by the assessed value but also by a myriad of intricate factors that often escape the awareness of most individuals.

It is important that your assessment be independently reviewed each year, especially if it is a commercial, industrial or investment type property. Your property is important to you and needs to be protected. Do not be an easy target.

M.C. Lount & Associates Ltd.:

  • reviews your BC assessment and the basis for your assessment,
  • works with the assessor to correct any over assessment or error,
  • appeals your BC assessment if necessary.

How it works

Every January marks the arrival of your BC assessment notice from the provincial government's assessment offices (the British Columbia Assessment Authority). This assessment is based on their estimated value of your property. It involves specific factors, criteria and policies. If any of these are in error, you will pay too much property tax. If you have not filed an appeal, the city will overtax you and attempt to keep the overcharge. Even if you later establish you have been overcharged - without an appeal the city could overtax you and attempt to keep your money!


Why it matters

Today's business must be leaner. Every dollar counts. Property taxes represent one of your highest expense items. Taxes are based on the province's annual assessed value of your property and this assessment is prone to error. If your assessment is too high, your taxes will be too high.

Excess property taxes come straight off your bottom line. By reviewing your assessment, we help protect your bottom line.

Call 604-727-7902
or contact us.
Your Tax — We Help


Fighting city hall?

You don't always have to "fight'" city hall. It is often possible to convince them that you have a good case.

That's what M.C. Lount & Associates Ltd. does so well. We will review the assessment with you and identify the best course of action. If the assessment goes to a hearing at the Review Panel or Appeal Board, we will represent you at these hearings.

Whether you own commercial or residential property it may be worth your while to investigate if you are paying too much property tax.

See BC's 100 Top Valued Residential Properties For 2024 here >>>


Vancouver v. Michael Lount
Ross v. Assessor of Area #10
Vancouver v. Bramalea
Broadway Properties Ltd. v. Assessor of Area #09
Wal-Mart Canada Inc. v. Assessor of Area #26

by Michael C. Lount, B.A.Sc., AACI

Facts on B.C. Property Assessments and the Assessment Roll
Greater Vancouver Top 100 Valued Houses
500 Top Valued Residential BC Properties for 2024.
BC Assessment Roll Taxable Values by Assessment Area and Property Class (2021 vs 2020)
Citizens Advisory Group on Property Taxation
Commercial and Residential Assessment Changes for Greater Vancouver
Your 2024 Assessment Notice
Property Assessment Reviews - An Introduction
If you did not receive your assessment notice.
  Copyright © 2000-2025 by M. C. Lount & Associates Ltd. All rights reserved.
604-727-7902 or contact us. Your Tax — We Help    legal notice

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